Q&A: Agent Rejection, Author Websites, And Starting with “And.”

Q&A: Agent Rejection, Author Websites, And Starting with “And.”

Today on the podcast, Chris and Gena answer questions from listeners and writers on Twitter including:

What should a self-published author include on their website?
Is it OK to begin sentences with “And” or “Because”?
Will agents reject a submission based on word count?

…and more!

One of the BEST Ways to Grow as a Writer

One of the BEST Ways to Grow as a Writer

We all need to grow as writers, so what are the best ways? In this episode, Chris and Gena talk about one of Gena’s favorites: by teaching writing to others. When you have to explain techniques and break down concepts, you can’t help but grow as a writer. You become more aware of those techniques as you write/edit.

4 Ways to DESTROY Writer’s Block – Every Time

4 Ways to DESTROY Writer’s Block – Every Time

Writer’s block can plague writers, keeping them from writing their books or building their freelance careers. In this episode, Chris and Gena talk about writer’s block and how to DESTROY it like the wimpy villain it is.

Ideas include getting a due date, finding accountability, using the Pomodoro technique and more.

What works for you?

It’s About Time

Over the next few blogs, I’ll be exploring some of the most common obstacles every writer faces at least once in their career. I’ll begin with the obstacle of time. “I think I’ve got a book in me if I could only find the time to write.” We’ve all heard this statement from would-be writers….

As Wise as an Owl Puppet

Sometimes it’s surprising where we find wisdom. One of my most profound life lessons didn’t come from scaling to the top of a mountain to hear from an ancient guru. It didn’t come from a doctor, a pastor, a philosopher or professor. It didn’t even come in some quiet moment of deep reflection. It came…