How to Get Your Kids to LOVE Reading
Occasionally parents ask, “How can I get my son to love reading?” or “What can I do to get my daughter to start reading regularly?”
As a parent, we have a responsibility to be diligent in helping our kids find their way to reading paradise. Here are the three keys we’ve worked to instill with our children when it comes to reading.
Get Your Kids to LOVE Reading by Finding a Subject They Love
When I was a kid, I didn’t enjoy reading much at all. In fact, I didn’t read much until I was a preteen. Why? Because that’s when I was introduced to “V.” It was a TV mini-series about a band of resistance fighters who fought human-feasting aliens. Absolutely silly, but I loved the show. And when they came out with a series of novels based on the show, I had to have them. I went from barely reading at all to reading 300+ page books written for adults. I loved the subject and it made all the difference.
Thankfully, my parents didn’t stop me from reading because they didn’t like the subject themselves.
They realized it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. So find what makes your kid tick—maybe a sport, a technology, or a certain animal, and then find books to match their passion.
Help Your Kids LOVE Reading by Finding a Format That’ll Ease Them In
That said, full-length adult novels aren’t where most kids enter the market. My own boys started regular reading with graphic novels. As boys, they’re visual, so the comic-like graphic novel was the perfect solution.
I was at the library one day and heard a mother steer her child away from the comics stating, “No, Henry, those aren’t real books.” Sadly, she missed an opportunity. Of course, in this genre, parents must check out the comic first to make sure it’s not too violent or filled with steamy images, but that aside, there are a LOT of great comics and graphic novels out there to get your kids interested in reading.
Format is also a reason so many parents appreciate my solve-it-yourself mysteries. In fact, my 5-Minute-Mysteries in Adventures in Odyssey’s Clubhouse magazine are consistently a reader favorite. Is it because of my literary genius? I wish. The truth is, they’re fun. They’re quick, easy and interactive. They have clues and sometimes involve science. They’re clever. Those things override any hangups a boy or girl has about reading. Before you know it, they’re “graduating” from a 5-minute-mystery to a full-length historical article. Then a book. It was all part of the plan.
Get Your Kids to LOVE Reading by Finding a Time That Works
Ask yourself when your child is most open to reading and make it easy to read at that time. It could be before they go to bed, as something to do before the TV is allowed to come on, as an in-the-car activity, or before their friends come knocking each day.
I even think it’s fine to let reading be a “chore”—because it’s a pretty fun one, and certainly within your child’s ability. When reading becomes a gate to other activities, and it’s something they know they have the power to do, kids will walk through the gate…and often linger to enjoy more than they’d planned.
Help Your Kids to LOVE Reading When You Make It Interactive
And, of course, there’s something about reading together that’s magical between a parent and child. Whether it’s five minutes before bed to help your child wind down, in the morning over devotions, or after dinner during a little family time, reading can be a family event. Alternate reading paragraphs, use funny voices…or just quietly read your own books together in the same room.
How do you get your son or daughter to enjoy reading time? You make it part of their life.
How have you helped your kids creatively enjoy reading time? I’d love to hear in the comments below.
Chris, you nailed it!!! As parents, WE need to model good reading and show our kids that reading and books are COOL! All that takes is enthusiasm, reading aloud, and a little Dadnamics:)
My son loves all of your books. Period. Why? Is it as you say… “Literary genius”? Nope. I read TO HIM and made an already great book interactive. Kenny now reads 5-10 books per month an 11-year-old. So much for reluctant readers.
I just started SuperKids with my 8-year-old daughter…
Exactly, Ken! And can I tell you how stellar it is that Kenny’s reading 5-10 books each month? He’s definitely discovered a love for learning, and that’s largely because of your involvement as a parent.
Hope your daughter enjoys the Superkid series, too. She’s destined for great Dadnamic times with you. 🙂
Hi Chris! I purchased the entire Superkid Academy set when the Copelands were up in Alaska in August. We just finished the last book with my 9 year old son (our 5 year old boy would sit and listen too). We were all so sad it was over! The whole family loved the suspense. One time I came home and my husband said he got goosebumps after finishing a chapter to the boys. He would look forward to see what would happen next by prompting lots of read aloud times while working through a book 😉
Will you be writing anymore superkid series? As a parent teaching my children the power of the Word , these books were amazing. Do you have any other of your books you would recommend to follow suit from the Superkid gang?
Mae, thank you for the encouraging word! I’m SO happy to hear your family likes the Superkid books. You made my day!
There aren’t any more Superkid books in the works for now. There were 11 total, but I’m hoping one day the opportunity will come for more. I have a couple stories I think would be great additions to that series. 🙂
Many people who discover the Superkid books also like my Amazing Laptop series. It’s an 8-book series about a boy who gets a laptop for his birthday and discovers that whatever he types actually happens! It’s a Christian series aimed at boys with lots of sports and technology, and an overall message about the power of words. While it’s not quite as scripture-heavy as the Superkid series, the themes are equally strong and the stories are fast-paced and fun like the Superkids. You can read more about them here: – and I’d be happy to sign the books for your kids before boxing them up.
Thank you for writing!
I am a bookworm myself and I can’t wait for all my kids to be like this. However, so far it is only my 12-yer-old daughter who is showing signs… My 8-year-old just said the other day that he does not like reading, so it is time for me to get into action.
I do read to them in the evenings, and they do love listening to the stories, so it gives me hope. At them moment I am reading ‘The mysterious presence’ to them, the first from your Superkids series. Thye love it and they always hate it when I say this is it for today. Thanks for having written this series, this is something we parents need very much – exciting Bible-based, character building novels.
Looking forward to owning the whole series 🙂
I’m SO glad they’re enjoying the series, Lilla! Our kids went through the same thing. Every one of them felt for a while they didn’t enjoy reading–UNTIL they found a series they couldn’t put down. Playing to their interest is a big key. And once they love reading, they won’t let go! Chris